Blue Mind and The Ocean of Emotion (Live Jelly Cam)

I know a lot of people recovering from this or that, and at times, I remember how powerful of a role the ocean plays in reconnecting to a sense of inner wholeness, which is exemplified through the graceful movements of sea creatures like jellies, whales, and turtles — and the simple, relatable, childlike wonder that goes along with “going to the beach” and “looking at the ocean.”

It appears that in physical healing there is also the potential for returning to emotional wholeness if need be, purifying the inner waters of heart, returning to the breath as a sanctuary of calm ebb and flow on the inner ocean of feeling (emotion = energy in motion), as even intense energy moves through you, the natural tides of love wash over you with every inhale and exhale.

Animals have played roles in the spiritual mythology and inner world of humankind for at least as far back as we have been creating stories, as our psychic evolution, at a primordial level, is linked to the cycles of nature including the behavior patterns of living beings around us. Some people act like owls. Who?

Since we are not a separate species, we are in a co-evolution with all life around us, making us a singularity point of awareness with no beginning or end inhabiting a supercomplex liquid biofrequency organism, not too different from all the other organisms with a few key exceptions: a self-aware brain with language pre-installed, hands with thumbs, bipedalism and hands-free satellite navigation - allowing for the capacity to go from self-awareness (waking up in the dream) to self-realization (living the dream). Who, am I?

Even in the cold vacuum of space, we would still have more bacteria cells living in our gut than all the cells comprising the body itself. Yet we still have the awareness of a singular autonomy over our trillions of cells, even if it those cells in the gut require training to not have ice cream at 10:37pm sharp.

Perhaps this is why people like yogis fast for days, to decrease the number of bacteria in the gut, relative to the total body cells not in the gut, would perhaps increase one’s level of self-control, but that’s conjecture. What’s not conjecture, is that bacterial overgrowth is real, and can be managed by fasting, water fasting replaces the immune systems cells lining the gut wall, increasing intestinal comfort and impermeability, reducing genetic triggers to autoimmunity and autonomic nervous system stress responses.

Healing happens at many levels all at the same, and to be more aware of how thoughts and emotions interact with the physical form, gives us a new way to see how we show up in life as flowing, graceful beings.

Mental attitude imprints patterns on the physical body.

The root of these attitudes are often deep in one’s subconscious from childhood. To move through the deepest layers of emotion in the body brings up tears not of pain, but of letting go of the feeling of having to hold on to it in the first place. Forgiveness in recognition of the shortness of life and the celebration of creation in all its forms. Dance it up!

As we surrender to wholeness, we are reborn.

Every day is an opportunity to wake up fresh and new.

May this bring you one step closer to the home in your heart, as you carry the torch of wisdom to others in need.

Your friend, Peter